Get Ready for Dr. Oak's Letter
For those people who missed the special distribution of Shaymin in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, your wait is finally over for this 492nd pokemon which is Shaymin will be again in special distribution. There would be a special item distribution via Nintendo wifi connection this coming September 28 and this event will be good until November 8. You must obtain Oak's letter Letter in your Nintendo wifi connection, then get the national Pokedex in your game and head to a place in Victory Road that you couldn't access before.You can get your Shaymin in it's land form. In order to be in it's sky forme you must get the special item in Flaoroma Town.
Step's to get Oak's Letter:
1. Talk to the TV Producer on the Third floor of Jubilife Tv in Jubilife City.

2. Answer the Producer's question with these words:
Opinion on TV:Everyone Happy
Feedback on TV: Wi-Fi Connection
Save the game and restart your Nintendo DS.
3. If Mystery Gift appears on the start Menu, that's it. Then select "Mystery Gift" to get started.

4. Select"Receive Gift".
5. Then Select the "GET VIA NINTENDO WFC" and choose "YES".
6. Watch as you receive Oak's Letter.
7.Go to any Poke Mart and talk to the Delivery man in green standing in front of the counter. He will give you Oak's Letter.
8. Now check your item pocket and you'll see that Oak's letter is there.
9. Save Your Game afterwards.
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