Defeat the Gym Leader!!(Diamond and Pearl)
I will now give you some guide in order to help you get the badges that you wish.
Lets discuss Gym Leader Roark first, he is the easiest gym leader of all the 8 gym leader. He use rock type Pokemon. so if you have a turtwig or a Piplup. Its easy for you to deafeat them because rock type pokemon is very weak on water and grass type moves. But beware of Cranidos because it gives a big hit on your pokemon so be sure you have your potion.
Pokemon Gym Leader Crusher Wake uses water type Pokemon.As such, those who have Shinx/Luxio/Luxray or Budew/Roselia will find this gym is pretty easy. Mega Drain/Spark is all you'll need to easily win this fight.
Volkner is a pushover. Surf from an Empoleon will easily bowl over his Pokemon, and Ground-type moves will decimate them as well.
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